Fulbright Scholarship Info Session | How To Apply To U.S. Universities

February 1, 2023, IBA Career Development Center organized a Fulbright Scholarship Info Session. Dr. S Akbar Zaidi - Executive Director welcomed the EductaionUSA team and shared his words with students.

The EducationUSA Karachi team Shiza Toor - Senior Advisor & Team Lead and Omer Bashir - Educational Advisor was happy to be on campus today and spoke to students about applying to the U.S. for a Masters or a Ph.D. degree. The session covered 5 steps to U.S. higher studies and also included a discussion on the Fulbright Scholarship.

They will be back again on campus with 10 U.S. Universities admissions representatives on Monday, February 6, for more conversations.

Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
Fulbright Scholarship Info Session
